[PIC]121223 B1A4 'In The Wind' Fansign 바로 @ 수서청소년극장 (30)


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[PIC]121201 B1A4 'In The Wind' Fansign 산들 @ Secret Garden (56)

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[PIC]121201 B1A4 'In The Wind' Fansign 공찬 @ Secret Garden (30)

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[PIC]121201 B1A4 'In The Wind' Fansign CNU @ Secret Garden (23)

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[PIC]121201 B1A4 'In The Wind' Fansign @ Secret Garden (16)

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[PIC]121201 B1A4 'In The Wind' Fansign 진영 @ Secret Garden (21)


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[PIC]121125 B1A4 'In The Wind' Fansign @ Olleh Square (34)


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[PIC]121126 B1A4 Immortal Song 2 Entering KBS @ KBS Back Door (5)

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[PIC]121117 Boyfriend Music Core Fanmeeting @ MBC (12)

那天帶的是短鏡頭所以照遠的就比較模糊些 TT

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[PIC]121120 B1A4 Open Concert 진영/바로 @ KBS Hall (15/18)

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[PIC]121120 B1A4 Open Concert CNU/산들/공찬 @ KBS Hall (12/10/12)

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[PIC]121120 B1A4 Open Concert @ KBS Hall (7)

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[PIC]121108 Dream Team 2 B1A4 @ 남양주 종함운동장 (19)


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[PIC]121108 Dream Team 2 B1A4 산들 @ 남양주 종함운동장 (34)

那天的小鴨子很暖很犯規很想捏他臉 > v < (振永附身)

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[PIC]121108 Dream Team 2 B1A4 진영 @ 남양주 종함운동장 (19)


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[PIC]121029 B1A4 Immortal Song 2 Entering KBS @ KBS Back Door (8)

那天上班超好笑的 都下午一點多了孩子們下車走過來一路上眼皮都粘著的是有多睏睡到幾點XD
那天帶了短鏡頭 到了比較近距離才照得好 想說下次要帶長的了...可是近的又會照不到OAQ

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[PIC]121021 T-ara from Japan @ Incheon Airport (3)

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[PIC]121021 Secret from Japan @ Incheon Airport (2)

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[PIC]120925 B1A4 Open Concert @ KBS Hall (53)

雖然在二樓但是視野都不錯 不過也因為距離比較遠的關係圖都不是很清的 OAQ
是我第一次看他們現場表演 連以前錯過的歌的舞台都一起補回來了 > w <

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好喜歡這張 一群如初少年們 ^^


[PIC]120930 B1A4 from Malaysia back to Korea @ Incheon Airport (17)

那天接機算是最順利的一次了 完全感謝ㅠ
振永依舊是圈飯機好幾張都狂盯鏡頭 可是全部糊掉 不然就是我正在focus別的成員............ㅠㅠ
還有baro你確定你的衣服這樣好嗎? xDDDDD

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[PIC]120922 B1A4 from Macau back to Korea @ Incheon Airport (6)

It was really hard that day ;-; Sorry for the unclear pictures! > <

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[PIC]121021 Boyfriend from Japan back to Korea @ Incheon Airport (8)

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