[PIC]130619 Dream Team 2 B1A4 공찬 @ 인천국제공항청사 잔디광장 (76)

짱짱~ 찬이사진을 오당~ ♪

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  1. I took some of your photos :) thanks for sharing photos about b1a4! well, i like your blog as well as the reason behind its name. it's kinda sweet :)

    1. Thanks for liking! Awww you actually read through all my blabbering? Thanks so much ;v;

    2. Any time :) so, I'm the one who took your quote and shared it on twitter :) I closed my blog so I'm not be able to reply using that account anymore.

    3. well, your blog is awesome!! I mean it. the derb pictures of B1A4 that you took are cool! I'm not an anti either. sometimes it's nice for me to see derb pictures of B1A4 xD they're still attractive though <3 xD

    4. Thank you for it! I never link the MV with what I wrote but seeing the picture they really fit. lol
      And also thank you for liking my blog. I really really like derp pictures, that's why I do upload some (mild ones haha), because they are humans too and knowing that they have all these "un-perfect" (aka perfect lol) moments makes them even more adorable...at least for me XD
      There's still some pictures that are too overly derpy that I don't dare to upload lol

    5. For me too xD I personally think that derp pictures of B1A4 are awesome! It's nice to see those kind of pictures xD we all know that their handsome face have already spread over the world through photos and videos :D someone like me - who like derb pictures of B1A4 xD - needs something different lol
      I can understand it :) even though deep in my heart I'm so curious about it! >o< LOL Well, not all people like derb pictures. It'll be bad if there's misunderstanding.
      Sorry I talk to much! >< lol ^^v

    6. Haha it's okay ^^ But basically same thoughts! XD

  2. Thanks for posting Gongchan's pics! Too Cute!^^
